Sunday 4 January 2015


Happy New Year!!!
So, here it is, the year I've been dreading for so long - the year in which I turn 40!!  *says with tongue firmly in cheek!*  I do seem to have come to terms with the fact though that in 14 weeks, I WILL be turning 40 which, although it stills seems so very grown up, now actually sounds.....ok!!

I'm grateful to have found so many amazing blogs over the last year written by some fantastic, stylish, beautiful, clever, witty ladies of a similar age that have basically, given me a kick up the arse & reminded me to get a bloody grip - 40 isn't old at all these days, it's merely a number!

So I'd like to kick 2015 off with a shout-out, in no particular order, to my favourite inspirational bloggers of 2014!

Kat from
Jane from
Avril from
Andrea from
Donna from
Frances from
Nikki from
Sharron from 
Lynne from
Joanna from
Michelle from
Annmarie from
Jenny from

Anyhoo, back to business!  This first post of the year is just really to catch up & fill you in on our lovely Christmas & Hogmanay.  The house is now clear of all remaining Christmas detritus & I'm trying to get back to normal before the kids start back at school on Wednesday.

We had a nice quiet time this year, which suited us down to the ground after a manic November & December.  We found a fabulous new forestry place the other side of Dundee & bought the most perfect 7 foot tree we've ever had.  It was decorated in my usual Nordic style but the kids have asked if next year we can have an extra tree in the hall that they can go tinsel-tastic with!!

I had some truly amazing presents this year, including 4 new notebooks (I'm a list-making freak!!), a tan saddle bag from Clarks & a polka dot bag for my sewing machine (yes, really!) from my mum, CDs & smellies from my kids, Next vouchers & the biggest surprise of all, a new iPad mini from Mr F!!  It was very naughty of him to buy me this as we'd agreed months ago that we weren't getting presents for each other this year due to impending trip to New York but then he totally surprised me with this amazing present "for my travels"!!  Oh, he's a keeper all right!  I did however, feel like a prize shit for not getting him anything other than the usual Chocolate Orange & whisky!  But it will be so much easier to take this with me to Marrakech & New York so I can blog on the go!!

We've had pretty good weather so far with only a smattering of snow so we've enjoyed plenty of long walks round the lake with the hound.  One day in particular was absolutely baltic though, as shown by the facial expression below!!  So beautiful though - the lake that is, pas moi!!

I've had a couple of nights out with my fellow mums & we celebrated Hogmanay at my friend's house, watching the fabulous fireworks over St Andrews bay.  And I seem to have been rocking red lips rather a lot lately!!

*Sorry, should've cropped the cleavage!!*

I've picked up plenty in the sales too but I think this is more than enough for one post -that'll have to follow!!

I hope you all had a fabulous time with your loved ones & I wish each & every one of you the very best for 2015!!


  1. Thanks for the mention, lovely, so kind! Love your blog too!

    I turn forty in ten days time. Aaargghh! I do actually feel ok about it - there's nothing I can do if I'm not happy anyway I suppose! Just treated myself to two Neom candles to ease the pain after being inspired by all of the candles on Instagram today!

    Great pics, Sarah.

    Lynne xx

    1. You're very welcome Lynne, I love to see your outfits! And I still have Boden-bag-envy whenever I see it, lol!! x

  2. Ahh!! Bless you Darl! All you can do is embrace it & besides look how gorgeous you look! No one would ever guess you are in your 40th year! I love your tree & I've gone Nordic 2 years in a row! Happy New Year Sweetie! Ax

  3. You'll be fine! I found 41 more depressing! Happy 2015 x

  4. I was dreading my 40th for so long but I'm now looking forward to it. I'm 40 on 15 March. I've just joined a new gym, left a job that I was in for 10 years and want to be more adventurous with my cooking and try out the craft I keep putting in Pinterest lol x

    1. Hi Emma, oh don't get me started on the craft things I have on my Pinterest!! I've bought a new table to set up in my office/craft room(!) so I can have my sewing machine out all the time, ready to do all these wonderful things I have pinned! Pfffttt, we'll see! x

  5. You're going to love turning 40 Sarah - life really does begin :-) Plus it's a great reason *excuse* for a party ;-)
    Thank you my lovely for including me in your list of bloggers it's put a huge smile on my face & I'm so glad you managed to get the Clarks saddle bag, I just love mine.
    Jane xx
    My Midlife Fashion

    1. I still can't decide whether to have a party or not Jane - I would like to though!! xx

  6. Hi Sarah, I'm trying again - Blogger seems to hate those of us who operate in Wordpress, it chews up my comments and spits them out. Don't worry about turning 40, I'm convinced it's the best decade by far, everything suddenly starts to make sense and seems so much less serious than it used to. Thank you so much for the shout out, I really appreciate it. Happy new year, you're looking stunning in your hat. Nikki x

    1. Thanks Nikki, I'm determined that this year is going to be a very good one! xx

  7. Happy New Year Sarah! Thank you so much for the mention - chuffed to bits I am! Gorgeous tree you had there and some lovely presents - you lucky girl! Good grief when you say turning 40 it sounds so young - I'm so on the wrong side of it - have a party and enjoy! Looking fab by the way! xx

    1. Thanks Jenny! A party is sounding more & more tempting by the day!! ;) xx
